Western Fremont Historical Society
Western Fremont Historical Society is dedicated to the preservation of the heritage of Western Fremont County, Colorado through research, education, and the promotion and sharing of the area’s history. Western Fremont Historical Society is a 501(C)(3)non-profit organization.
You can designate your gift to be unrestricted or you can ask that your donation be used for future renovation projects.
Donations and dues help to provide the funds needed to perform routine maintenance/upkeep as well as improvements to our two History Centers located in Howard and Cotopaxi.
The WFHS History Center known to locals as “the little white church” houses a collection of archives and artifacts. The church, built in 1898, was originally a landmark structure for the town of Howard and is currently designated by Fremont County as a historically significant site. The structure celebrated its 120th birthday in 2018. We are very thankful for contributions from donors and to History Colorado The State Historic Fund for the recent preservation project.
In December 2021, the family of Glenn Mullins donated the building that formerly housed the general store on Plum Street in Cotopaxi to WFHS. This building once was the community hub in Cotopaxi, housing the Post Office as well as the general store. The structure dates back to the 1880s. With a lot of planning and elbow grease, we opened the Cotopaxi-Mullins History Center on October 20, 2023. We are grateful for the wonderful community support and contributions. There are still numerous renovation projects to complete. We hope to continue to preserve the building and include historic displays and local artifacts for the public to enjoy.
Your support, like those of others, enables us to continue our efforts to preserve our history center buildings, present local history programs and tours, produce newsletters, and archive historical documents.
Here is how you can help: Please consider making an unrestricted contribution to WFHS. Your donation, whatever the size, will demonstrate community support for our activities and projects.
Make checks payable to WFHS and send to:
P.O. Box 181
Howard, CO 81233
Questions: Please contact Shari Mohr at 719-942-3355 or email wfhsinfo@westfremonthisstory.com