by Thomas Kainz | Apr 28, 2019
Board of Directors
Betsy Denney
Janet Lastovica
Craig Leitner
Shari Mohr
Kris Shurr
Barbara Snyder |
P.O. Box 181, Howard, Colorado 81233
Facebook: Western Fremont Historical Society |
0070 Co Rd 56, Howard, Colorado 81233
Website: |
Greetings of the season to you all.
As the year draws to a close it’s time to share with you a summary of WFHS’ 2018 activities and updates and welcome new members. We try to issue 4 newsletters a year.
We are excited to let you know that WFHS membership for this year reached 105 which includes 10 lifetime members. Members reside in many areas: Howard, Salida, Canon City, Coaldale, Cotopaxi, Arvada, Wyoming and California.
- March: Annual meeting and program about Barnes City history
- July: 4th of July birthday bash celebrating the 120th birthday of the little church in Howard (now the WFHS History Center). This event was held I conjunction with Howard Hall’s 2nd annual
community 4th of July events.
- August: Tour Rails and Kilns
- October: Tours of Cotopaxi and San Isabel View (Hillside) cemeteries.
Check out our facebook page and website. You will see pictures, history notes, information about our History Center’s publications for purchase, resources, past events, how to contact us, and so much more.
An update on our efforts to preserve the 1898 Howard church building which serves as the WFHS History Center and houses archives and artifacts of historical interest in our region: WFHS submitted a grant proposal to the State Historical Fund (SHF) of History Colorado last spring and was informed on August 1 that although our project was approved (the good news), our overall application score, while strong, was not high enough in the queue of applications to receive a monetary award before the available SHF funds ran out. With the encouragement of the SHF we submitted a revised application, incorporating their feedback and hopefully improving our score for the fall submission round. We will hear about this grant request on Feb. 1, 2019. Hopefully it will be good news and we will be able to move forward with the preservation work next spring.
WFHS is an all volunteer organization managed by the Board of Directors. This year your board updated the WFHS Bylaws, planned and held four (4) well received programs, had representation at Fremont County Historical Society’s (FCHS) presentation of the Doc Little Award, that recognizes a FCHS member for outstanding achievements in preserving Fremont County history, to Bill Schrader (a past president of WFHS). We continued to gather on the last Sundays of the month (weather permitting) at the History Center while open for visitors and to work on filing documents and pictures. Board members are active in planning and working on the logistics for programs.
At this time I need to step down from my volunteer activities to concentrate on other areas of my life, so I am leaving the WFHS board. It has been my privilege to serve on this board as president for the past four (4) years and previously as treasurer. I have had the opportunity to learn so very much and to meet so many wonderful folks. As time goes on, I hope to be able to continue some involvement with the ACCESS HISTORY group.
There are 7 positions on the board and one seat has been vacant since March and now there are two openings. This board can use your help as it continues to move forward. The board can make appointments to the board for the remainder of the term. If the appointed person wants to continue they then can run for election to the board by the WFHS membership at the annual meeting in March. The board chooses its own officers. Can you serve on a committee or participate in ACCESS HISTORY to use your detective skills to sort and identify photos, file, assist with the inventory, and help visitors? When you are involved you will meet terrific people. You get to learn more about and participate in the history of western Fremont County, continue to help foster the growth of the Historical Society and be involved in the preservation of the historical white church (now WFHS History Center) located in Howard.
On behalf of the board, thanks to each and every one of you for your support and look forward to seeing you in the coming year. Janet Lastovica (retired board member and president)
For further information about the board of directors and WFHS please contact Shari Mohr Community Outreach Coordinator: 719-942-3355
by Thomas Kainz | Apr 28, 2019
Board of Directors
Betsy Denney
Janet Lastovica
Craig Leitner
Shari Mohr
Kris Shurr
Barbara Snyder |
P.O. Box 181, Howard, Colorado 81233
Facebook: Western Fremont Historical Society |
0070 Co Rd 56, Howard, Colorado 81233
Website: |
The WFHS Board of Directors has been busy preparing for another season of special events for our history-loving members and friends. We enjoyed seeing many of you at our Annual Meeting and program, “Barnes City: Boom or Bust?” in March, and appreciate your support as we plan our summer and fall programs. Our website is up and running, as is our Facebook page, so if you have not already done so, please check out those new sources of information and give us your feedback.
Our first event of the summer season will be an open house at our History Center on July 4th in conjunction with Howard Hall Association’s old fashioned 4th of July celebration. This year we will be celebrating the 120th anniversary of the church building, and will have pictures and stories of the church’s rich history, updates on its current use as WFHS History Center, and status of the building rehabilitation project. We submitted a grant application to the State Historic Fund, and hope to hear by the end of June whether that application has been accepted. The matching funds required to support this grant have been secured (thanks again to our gracious donors!) and we will share information concerning the work that is planned, proposed schedule, etc. at the open house. Please plan to attend and celebrate the building’s 120-year history in the heart of old Howard – BIRTHDAY CAKE WILL BE SERVED! See the attached flyer for details.
Other events planned for 2018 are:
- August 25 – CHARCOAL KILN TOUR – The most visible remains of area charcoal kilns are on County Road 6/Hayden Creek Road in Coaldale, but did you know there were also kilns at Wellsville, Howard, Cotopaxi and Texas Creek? Join us as our favorite tour guide, Fremont County native Betsy Denney, shares information about the thriving but short-lived charcoal industry in western Fremont County.
- October 6 – CEMETERY TOUR – A popular tour for genealogy and history buffs alike, cemeteries are a great source of information about early settlers, pioneer families, etc. We will begin at the Howard Cemetery, then visit Coaldale, Cotopaxi and San Isabel View (Hillside) Cemeteries, with a brown bag lunch stop on the way. Fall is a great time to enjoy the outdoors while hearing the stories of the settlers and pioneer families who called this area home.
Your dues and participation make these programs and events possible. THANK YOU AGAIN, and we look forward to sharing local history with you throughout the year.
WFHS Board of Directors
by Thomas Kainz | Apr 28, 2019
Board of Directors
Betsy Denney
Janet Lastovica
Craig Leitner
Shari Mohr
Kris Shurr
Barbara Snyder
Jackie Stegeman |
P.O. Box 181, Howard, Colorado 81233
Facebook: Western Fremont Historical Society |
0070 Co Rd 56, Howard, Colorado 81233
Website: |
Greetings from the WFHS Board of Directors! 2018 is here and we are excited as we begin planning another year of historical activities focused on western Fremont County. We have recruited two new members to our Board; Shari Mohr and Kris Shurr will be introduced and formally voted upon at our Annual Meeting in March. We are grateful to have two more congenial, tech-savy volunteers as we embark on an especially busy year.
Ellen Hopkins, Project Manager for the history center building preservation effort, had a very productive year in 2017. As a result of her ongoing efforts, we have retained an historic preservation architect who will prepare our grant application to the State Historic Fund (History Colorado), and we are well on the way to securing the matching funds necessary to support that grant, thanks to you, our generous members and friends! A complete update on the status of the building preservation project will be presented at the Annual Meeting.
The Board is also continuing to expand our community outreach via Facebook and through our new website, Both are still “works in progress”, but we are excited to offer these additional ways to access information about the goals of our society, as well as ongoing activities and programs.
In the meantime, we are working on our schedule of programs and tours for the year, as follows:
- March 24 at 2:00 p.m. at Howard Hall – Annual Meeting and program about the Barnes City mining scam in the early 1900’s
- July 4th at the History Center in Howard – enjoy Howard Hall’s old time 4th of July celebration, and help us celebrate the 120th anniversary of our historic church building
- August (date to be determined) – charcoal kiln program/tour
- Fall (date to be determined) – cemetery tour (Howard, Coaldale, Cotopaxi and San Isabel/Hillside cemeteries)
These programs and tours for history lovers, as well as the displays and historic documents at the History Center, are made possible by your continued interest and support. A membership form and return envelope are enclosed for annual dues. We look forward to seeing you at our Annual Meeting on March 24, as well as the programs and tours throughout the coming year. The History Center will also be open on the last Sunday of each month (1:00 to 4:00 p.m.) from April through October, weather permitting. As always, there are numerous ways to participate in either short-term projects, assisting with programs and tours, building and grounds maintenance, serving on committees, providing refreshments, etc. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Shari Mohr at 719-942-3355. Thank you for your ongoing support – watch for additional details about upcoming events!
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