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WESTERN FREMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY P.O. Box 181, Howard, Colorado 81233 Facebook: Western Fremont Historical Society |
WFHS HISTORY CENTER 0070 Co Rd 56, Howard, Colorado 81233 Website: WestFremontHistory.com |
Here is what we have in store for our history loving friends this season:
Access Sundays – This year we are focusing on our monthly “Access Sundays” at the History Center in Howard. We invite everyone to stop by and enjoy informative displays and special presentations on the last Sunday of each month during the summer and early fall. In May, we shared an array of vintage toys, while June’s special feature was souvenirs and artifacts collected by Kris Shurr during her military service abroad. Upcoming features will include:
- July 31, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. – books by local cowboy/historian/author Paul Huntley who rode the range in western Fremont County in the first half of the 20th century
- August 28, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. – antique tools and farm implements (Bring your treasures/stories!)
Historic pictures/documents/artifacts wanted! If your family, friends or neighbors happen to be sorting old documents, pictures of the local area, etc., please don’t send those items to the dump or let them leave the area without contacting WFHS. We don’t have a lot of space, but we are keenly interested in preserving local history and would love for those items to stay in western Fremont County. Contact one of the Board members below regarding any pictures, letters, documents, etc. that should be preserved. We would love to hear from you!
Events and Tours –
- July 4, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. – WFHS commemorated our nation’s birthday with our friends and neighbors at Howard Hall. Open House at our History center featured a special program regarding flag etiquette as well as displays of military memorabilia from local collections.
- September 24 – Watch for details about a tour of the historic Amy Homestead on County Road 4 in Howard, featuring the original house, outbuildings, orchard, and a variety of vintage farm equipment,
Mullins property update –The family of Glenn Mullins recently donated the building that formerly housed the general store on Plum Street in Cotopaxi to WFHS. This building once was the community hub in Cotopaxi, housing the Post Office as well as the general store; we hope to preserve the building and eventually include historic displays and local artifacts for the public to enjoy. We anticipate a lot of planning, fundraising and elbow grease will be required. Stay tuned for ways you can become involved in our latest preservation venture!
WFHS Board of Directors
Craig Leitner, President (719) 207-0015 Kris Shurr, VP/Membership (719) 942-3653
Barbara Snyder, Secretary (719) 539-3956 Cinde McPhail, Treasurer (719) 942-4521
Betsy Denney, Historian/Programs (719) 942-3679 Shari Mohr, Community Outreach (719-942-3355)
Casey Hildebrand, Bldg. Maintenance (720) 412-4001 Debbie Hildebrand, Event Coord. (303) 506-4399
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